Miss Tilly

Miss Tilly
MISSING: little Miss TIlly, golden Pomeranian

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finding Miss Tilly and the Golden Thread is available now!

Comment today from a reader in Tennessee of Finding Miss Tilly & the Golden Thread:

"I thought you did a great job of interlacing the memory and herb aspects with the anecdotal portions about the various animals that you have interacted with through the years. I really liked the paragraph that started chapter 14. Like Pastor Gary Zamora likes to say, 'Every event holds the potential for your purpose and destiny,' or as you would say 'The Golden Thread'.


  1. I really enjoyed the book, Finding Miss Tilly and the Golden Thread. That was weird when you dropped the dead dog and had to stick her in the trunk! That really got to me. I guess it was cuz I was eating dinner! Anyway, I think it's amazing that someone would have so much faith to keep looking for her for all those years. My opinion is that Katie should be investigated more thoroughly and she's the one who has her!Thanks
    Ron Williams

  2. i loved finding miss tilly. i connected with so many issues, the book really got me thinking about alot of things and people. I loved the way Dr. Donna put the book together, it really held my interest. Alot of loving memories with pets. I couldn't wait to share the book.
    I have taken Dr. Donna's herb classes, there is only good to come from them. I think herbs are wonderful for pets too. Wild dogs know what to do, why not help domestic animals. Isn't it amazing how God provides for us in so many ways. And it is awsome that Dr. Donna is so capable of seeing it. Tilly needs to be with Dr. Donna. Hopefully she will be soon. I am anxious for the next book.

  3. dr.donna 1st of all i think u need to get ur story straight.miss tilly needed medical attention that u claimed u couldnt afford so u gave her back too the person u got her from who said they would take her back and to a vet,SHE WAS NOT STOLLEN.When u have a dog that is injured IT IS YOUR RESPONSEBILITY too care for her
