Miss Tilly

Miss Tilly
MISSING: little Miss TIlly, golden Pomeranian

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Will You Help Find Miss Tilly?

Will You Be the Golden Thread to Help Get Her Back?

There have been Miss Tilly sightings so we know she is out there.

One day after the book was released, one of the characters in the book broke down and confessed that she had stolen Miss Tilly. She gave Miss Tilly to someone else and won't give up the other party's address or contact info.

The pet sitter confessed to stealing Miss Tilly and giving her away to someone else. Both people have been given the opportunity to do what's right and give Miss Tilly back. And both will not.

Please help us track down Miss Tilly.

Leave us a comment about a Miss Tilly sighting, any evidence you may have about her, etc. Let's bring her home.


  1. As the confessor, I want it known that I took Tilly back after an almost fatal injury Tilly endured for the 2nd time because you allowed her to be around vicious dogs. Then she had to have about 10 teeth pulled and her gums were diseased. You weren't financially able to care for her so I had to give her to someone who is. Tilly is very happy where she is, and sees the vet often, gets her teeth cleaned often, plus she goes to the beauty parlor. She's very happy. You need to let this go. Forgive, forget

  2. After being informed of and reading the nonsense you wrote, I, as the accused co-conspirator, have to ask myself " is the DR delusional? "I would like your readers to know that not only was Tilly NOT stolen, she was in fact RETURNED to her original owner( the confessor) by you after she had been attacked by vicious dogs that you chose to leave in her company, where you stayed with people who were putting you up between your living arrangements,(I believe you were moving to Chicago) because you couldn't afford the Vet bills necessary for her to be treated after the attack . Had you really known Tilly, you would have known that in spite her size,which she was totally unaware of, she would go after, barking all the way, big dogs consequently setting herself up to be attacked. You really have nerve telling your readers outright vicious lies by accusing the"confessor" of confessing to stealing "YOUR" DOG and have instead pathetically made yourself out to be a victim. I would never intentionally conspire to torture and hurt ANYONE. This whole ordeal is all about you, isn't it? Although you felt deceived by being lied to, as I probably would have too,not once have you considered everything that occurred around the lie told in panic or WHO actually really knew all about it. Not once have you considered that Tilly, who has been in the same home with the same family four and a half years, is happy, healthy, loved, sees the vet twice a year, did I mention happy, is groomed regularly, gets daily long walks, goes nearly everywhere with us, did I mention happy, eats well, has regular dental work done necessary to keep her teeth healthy and is a member of our family, oh yeah, and don't let me forget, a HAPPY member of our family. If you care so much for her, you would consider how much it might affect her to be uprooted,never mind what it would do to the rest of her family..... all because someone, her ORIGINAL OWNER of 6 years, had no idea when and if you were going to want Tilly back and if you were going to be able to afford to care for her if and when you did. We had Tilly over a month when you finally asked to have her back and the so called "confessor" paniced because she knew Tilly was being well taken care of and happy where she was. No one, least of all myself and the "confessor", was in a conspiracy together to torture you. I offered to bring Tilly over occasionally and considered it to be a nice thing to do, especially since I barely know you, and you chose to perceive it as an insult.
    So, I want to let it be known, that this IS the REAL TRUTH, and I suggest, dear doctor, that you get over it and move on

  3. To the Person who wrote the anonymous email calling the Dr. delusional:

    You are so full of crap that it must hurt. You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you between the eyes.
    I know the Dr. and I know the woman that lied to her about Tilly. If anyone is delusional, Maddam, it is YOU.
    You knew this dog belonged to the Dr. and yet you took her. That makes you a thief and a liar, no matter how you put it. Not only that, the Dr. was told that Tilly was eaten by a wolf when she called to pick her up. The woman was asked to watch Tilly while the Dr. was moving. That's all.

    You mention about the dogs in the backyard that attacked Tilly. You need to get your facts straight before you start calling names. You don't even know those dogs. The Dr. loved this dog and was looking for her for years. She was lied to for years by someone that called herself her friend and someone the Dr. helped out with her business. You know it so don't go around calling someone names. If you're so honest then why didn't you give the Dr. a call to let her know about Tilly when this took place? If you were honest, then this whole thing could have been avoided in the first place. But no, you have to write this bull crap about the Dr. All the Dr. has done in her life is to help people at great sacrifice not only to herself but also to her own well being and you have the nerve to say this about her. As far as I am concerned, you and the one that said Tilly was dead should be ashamed about holding the TRUTH from the Dr. and you both should be arrested for dog napping. I have been told you both think you're Christians. Well, have you read or heard of Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not steal and one of the biggest, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. I want to let the readers know that what you are saying is a big lie. The Dr. is a wonderful woman and dedicated her life to helping people and she loves her dogs. I know firsthand. R. W., Sacramento CA

  4. OK, this is Laura, the first owner of Tilly. I had to give her another home, and I didn't want to hurt Dr Donna's feelings. I could not in good conscious let Tilly be exposed to danger, plus her teeth were rotting and that cost a fortune. I know that Donna loved Tilly very much. I was afraid to tell her the truth because I was a coward. So I told her Tilly was lost. I figured she'd give up the search, but when she continued writing about Tilly for so long, I tried to discourage it by telling her that since it had been over a year, she should consider that a coyote got Tilly. That didn't deter her. Finally I confessed that I gave Tilly to a person who can afford vet bills (I paid over a thousand dollars to get Tilly patched up, and the dental work.) I did not ever want to lose Donna as a friend. Many times I offered to buy her another pomeranian because of the guilt. I asked Donna to please forgive me, but she won't. I will always regret this more than anything. I hoped she'd be happy Tilly is alive., safe. and in a good home. But she was not. Tilly is so happy in her permanent home. My friend offered a play date, but donna didn't want it. I can't ever give a 2md chance & let a dog be in danger again.R.W. I know too that Donna is a wonderful person. I am ashamed!!! This taught me a huge lesson, and that is to be rigorously honest. I just did not know how to get Tilly a safe home without losing Donna as my friend, but I lost her anyway. RW, whoever you are, you are lucky to have Donna in your life.
