Miss Tilly

Miss Tilly
MISSING: little Miss TIlly, golden Pomeranian

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finding Miss Tilly and the Golden Thread is available now!

Comment today from a reader in Tennessee of Finding Miss Tilly & the Golden Thread:

"I thought you did a great job of interlacing the memory and herb aspects with the anecdotal portions about the various animals that you have interacted with through the years. I really liked the paragraph that started chapter 14. Like Pastor Gary Zamora likes to say, 'Every event holds the potential for your purpose and destiny,' or as you would say 'The Golden Thread'.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Book That Led to Confession Will Be Available Soon

Just as soon as I can get the links set up on the website, I'll make my book, Finding Miss Tilly & the Golden Thread available. I'd like to give away the first few hundred copies..

You can contact me through this blog if you'd like to be one of the first to read it.

Finding Miss Tilly & The Golden Thread is about more than just a missing dog. It's filled with stories about dogs that had conditions that couldn't be treated by ordinary veterinary care and what was done to remedy the situation.

Who Would Think a Book Could Lead to a Confession?

When I wrote the book, Finding Miss Tilly & The Golden Thread, I never suspected that any character in the book knew where my little, much-cherished Pomeranian was. More than that, I never suspected that the pet sitter had given Miss Tilly to a friend after promising me to return her in front of a witness. For the past three years, she had to know in their heart that what they were doing was wrong, very wrong.

The pet sitter fully knew my pain of not knowing where Miss Tilly was. She knew that all my friends were out looking for her and when I heard about a Miss Tilly sighting, I reported my anticipation of getting her back, the pain of losing her and the acknowledgment of my dream that she was coming home. She must have seen the pleas in the Health & Fitness Magazine for her to come home. Forty thousand copies were printed monthly of the magazine, with over 120,000 readers each month. That means the equivalent of over 1.2 million readers who knew that Miss Tilly, the mascot of our magazine, was gone and millions of eyes were looking for her.

Yet the pet sitter chose to lie about it and cover it up.

The email I received with the confession letter had the subject line that said, "....time to get Tilly back" yet it appeared that the whole plan was merely to continue telling me that I couldn't have her back and that they wouldn't give her up! I've checked around with several people I know and asked them what would you do if you found out that you had something that belonged to someone else. They always answer that they would give it back. Especially if it's a living animal. Only time will reveal the true motives of both the pet sitter and the person who illegally has my property.

I ask for your support in helping bring Miss Tilly home.

If Miss Tilly was a child, parents would understand what I am going through. It's as if someone kidnapped a child and then sent an email that said, "Ha, ha, ha, it's time for us to give her back... but we won't."

And the worst part of it is that they even offered a "PLAYDATE"!

As if I could just turn away and leave my dog in the hands of someone who would not return my dog to me!

If you know anything about the whereabouts of Miss Tilly, please post a notice or contact me directly.

Thanks for caring! It means a lot to me.

Will You Help Find Miss Tilly?

Will You Be the Golden Thread to Help Get Her Back?

There have been Miss Tilly sightings so we know she is out there.

One day after the book was released, one of the characters in the book broke down and confessed that she had stolen Miss Tilly. She gave Miss Tilly to someone else and won't give up the other party's address or contact info.

The pet sitter confessed to stealing Miss Tilly and giving her away to someone else. Both people have been given the opportunity to do what's right and give Miss Tilly back. And both will not.

Please help us track down Miss Tilly.

Leave us a comment about a Miss Tilly sighting, any evidence you may have about her, etc. Let's bring her home.